الاثنين، سبتمبر 19، 2005

Hezbollah official warns against "excessive US interference" in Lebanon

Beirut's Al Manar TV reported on September 16 that: "Sheikh Na'im Qasim, Hezbollah deputy secretary general, has said that to be emboldened by foreign powers will backfire and lead us to an internal crisis, [saying]: 'Hence, we emphasize that we reject the US trusteeship, disguised by the calls for reform and the show of concern [about the situation in Lebanon]. We also reject the support that leads to the domination.
'I point out that if this US interference goes further it will change from trusteeship to occupation. You know how the Lebanese view the occupation and how they deal with it. I warn against being emboldened by the foreigner by any party to realize its interest at the expense of other parties. To take heart from [foreign powers] will lead to similar actions and make our country a theatre for others and lead us to new crises.'"

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