الاثنين، نوفمبر 12، 2007

The call was echoing

No Equivocation
By Mahmoud Raya (November 09, 2007)
Playing electronic games requires “relaxation”, unemployment or idleness. Someone busy with the world and the after world concerns, and someone hunting his interest and the interests of those related will not find the time to sit in front of the computer screen in order to spend the time “playing.”
Some people believe that they are running a country with a remote control, and when they meet in an illusionary session they discuss the cases of the universe, and they think that the world is being administered in this method. And they believe that thousands can move or sit still in one instance through “a simulation that took place inside a closed room.”
Computer simulation does not shake Israel and does not trigger fear inside the hearts of the leaders of Tel Aviv. Besides, it does not create a new reality that can thwart a Zionist attack on Lebanon. Instead, the true actions on the ground are the only notable issues, the efficacies of which can be analyzed.
On the other hand, those sitting in their “ivory government houses” can “simulate” the regime as they keep utter silence towards the Zionist attacks and violations that has notably widened. They know that they have to leave the action on ground to those who are familiar with the land and know how to move the men above, beneath and on each span it.
The call was echoing, and it reached To Whom It May Concern. On the other and, those sitting in the government houses should maintain their silence without their cohorts.

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